Our Mission
Articles of Association
Promoting Industry Growth: We support and encourage businesses involved in cannabis cultivation and trade, fostering the growth of the industry as a whole.
Developing Diverse Cannabis Products: We support and promote the development of cannabis-infused products such as food and beverages, cosmetics, health-related products, and medical tourism initiatives.
Fostering Research and Knowledge Sharing: We promote research on cannabis cultivation and product development, facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas between members and industry professionals, and disseminate academic knowledge from researchers.
Providing Training and Education: We develop and implement training programs that provide international-standard knowledge, skills, and expertise in cannabis cultivation.
Enhancing International Competitiveness: We promote our members' products and support research and development to enhance their competitiveness in the global market.
Organizing Industry Events: We organize PR events, seminars, and trade shows for members and stakeholders to promote the development and knowledge of the cannabis industry.
Collaborating with the Government: We cooperate and collaborate with the Thai government to promote the cannabis industry in accordance with its regulations and policies.
Maintaining Ethical Practices: We are committed to ethical and responsible practices and will not be used as a tool for any political activities.
Our Mission
Chapter 1: General Provisions
第1章 総則
Article 1: This organization shall be called the Japan Cannabis Association Thailand.
第1条 本会は、日本カンナビス協会タイランドと称する。
Article 2: The office of this Association shall be located at 2nd Floor, Area 81 Building, 5 Thani, Talat Yot Subdistrict, Phra Nakhon District, Bangkok, Thailand.
第2条 本会は、タイ国バンコク都プラナコーン区クワンタラートヨット町5タニArea81ビル2階に事務所を置く。
Article 3: This Association shall comply with the laws of Thailand. It is a voluntary organization that aims to promote interaction and friendship among members, disseminate accurate knowledge about cannabis, and promote understanding. This Association shall not engage in political activities.
第3条 本会は、タイの法律を遵守し、会員相互の交流と親睦を図り、カンナビスに関する正しい知識の普及と理解促進を図ることを目的とする任意団体であり、政治に関与しない。
Chapter 2: Members
第2章 会員
Article 4: There shall be two types of members: (1) Individual members (2) Corporate members
第4条 会員は次の2種類とする。
(1) 個人会員
(2) 法人会員
Article 5: Those who wish to join the Association shall apply in writing with the following documents attached: (1) Individual members: A copy of ID card or passport (2) Corporate members: A copy of corporate registration and a copy of the representative's ID card or passport Membership shall be granted upon payment of the membership fee.
第5条 入会を希望する者は、以下の書類を添付し、文書にて申し込むものとする。
(1) 個人会員:IDカードもしくはパスポートの写し
(2) 法人会員:法人登記簿謄本、代表者のIDカードもしくはパスポートの写し
Article 6: Membership shall be terminated in the following cases: (1) Death (2) Submission of a notice of withdrawal (3) Failure to pay membership fees for more than 4 months (4) Engaging in acts that violate the purpose of the Association (5) Engaging in acts that damage the reputation of the Association (6) Expulsion by resolution of the Board of Directors
第6条 次の場合は退会とする。
(1) 死亡した時
(2) 退会の申し込みがあった時
(3) 4ヶ月以上会費の納入を怠った時
(4) 会の目的に反する行為を行った時
(5) 会の名誉を毀損する行為を行った時
(6) 理事会の決議で除名された時
Article 7: Members shall have the following rights: (1) The right to participate in events organized by the Association (2) Voting rights at the General Meeting (3) The right to run for and vote in elections for officers
第7条 会員は、以下の権利を有する。
(1) 本会の行事に参加する権利
(2) 総会における議決権
(3) 役員への立候補・選挙権
Chapter 3: Organization and Functions
第3章 組織・機能
Article 8: The Association shall have a General Meeting, a Board of Directors, a President, Vice President(s), Directors, and Auditors.
第8条 本会に、総会、理事会を置き、会長、副会長、理事、監事を置く。
Article 9: The General Meeting shall be held in October every year. The President may convene an extraordinary general meeting when necessary.
第9条 総会は、毎年10月に開催する。必要に応じて、会長は臨時総会を招集することができる。
Article 10: The General Meeting shall be notified to all members at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting. A quorum shall be constituted by a majority of the members present or represented by proxy. Resolutions shall be passed by a majority vote of the members present.
第10条 総会は、開催日の少なくとも10日前に全ての会員に通知する。会員の過半数の出席または委任状により成立する。議決は、出席者の過半数の賛成により成立する。
Article 11: The following matters shall be subject to a resolution of the General Meeting: (1) Amendment of the Articles of Association (2) Election or dismissal of the President, Vice President(s), Directors, and Auditors (3) Dissolution
第11条 次の事項は、総会の議決を経なければならない。
(1) 規約の改訂
(2) 会長、副会長、理事、監事の選任または解任
(3) 解散
Article 12: At the General Meeting, annual business reports and accounting reports shall be presented, and other necessary matters shall be discussed.
第12条 総会では、年次業務報告および会計報告を行い、その他必要な事項を協議する。
Article 13: The President shall be elected from among the members at the General Meeting. However, nomination by the President, Vice President(s), or any of the Directors is required.
第13条 会長は、総会において会員の中から選出される。但し、会長、副会長、理事いずれかの者の推薦を必要とする。
Article 14: The Vice President(s), Directors, and Auditors shall be elected from among the members at the General Meeting.
第14条 副会長及び理事及び監事は、総会において会員の中から選出される。
Chapter 4: Membership Fees
第4章 会費
Article 15: The expenses of the Association shall be covered by membership fees, admission fees, and other income. (1) The admission fee for individual members shall be 2,000 baht. The annual membership fee shall be 6,000 baht. (2) The admission fee for corporate members shall be 5,000 baht. The annual membership fee shall be 30,000 baht. Corporate members shall have benefits such as priority participation in events organized by the Association and the ability to place advertisements in the Association's newsletter. (3) Membership fees shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors at the end of the fiscal year and revised through the prescribed procedures if necessary.
第15条 本会の経費は会費、入会金、及びその他の収入をもって充当する。
(1) 個人会員の入会金は、2000バーツ。会費は、年額6,000バーツとする。
(2) 法人会員の入会金は、5000バーツ。会費は、年額30,000バーツとする。法人会員は、本会が主催するイベントに優先的に参加できる、会報誌に広告を掲載できる等の特典を有する。
(3) 会費は年度末に理事会にて見直し、必要があれば所定の手続きを経て改定するものとする。
Chapter 5: Dissolution
第5章 解散
Article 16: Dissolution of the Association shall be subject to a resolution of the General Meeting.
第16条 本会を解散する場合は、総会の議決を経なければならない。
Article 17: The method of disposal of assets upon dissolution shall be determined by a resolution of the General Meeting. If it is difficult to convene a General Meeting due to unavoidable circumstances, the Board of Directors shall select a liquidator to determine the method of disposal. The liquidator shall handle all matters related to the dissolution and report the progress and results to the Board of Directors.
第17条 解散に伴う財産処分の方法は総会の議決による。やむを得ない事情により、総会招集が困難な場合は理事会が清算人を選定し、処分方法を決定する。清算人は、解散に伴う一切の事務を処理し、その経過および結果を理事会に報告する。
Supplementary Provisions
These Articles of Association shall come into effect on October 1, 2024.
Articles of Association